The Evangelical Free Church of Canada will be hosting a leadership training session at our church on January 25th. Visit ELT Registration – Wainwright – EFCC for more information and to register.
Our next GIFT session is coming up on February 8th. Join us to learn more about Abraham and the history of the patriarchs in Genesis 12-50. Click here to register by February 6th.
The youth will be running a coffee house event for the church! It is $5 per adult and children are free. The youth will serve coffee and desserts, as well as provide entertainment (talent show). BUT, the church family is also encouraged to perform a talent! This event is open to the whole church, including friends and family.
The goal of this evening is to encourage community engagement and active partnership between the church family and the youth group!
Contact us if you would like to sign up for the talent show!
Going forward, our monthly movie nights will be on Saturday evenings instead of Fridays. Join us on the first Saturday of every month for a free movie, with the proceeds from the sales of snacks and drinks going to the food bank!
Have a look at what the youth group and young adults are up to! And don’t forget about our discipleship groups.
See our Bible reading schedule below: