Pastoral Ministry Opportunity
The Evangelical Free Church of Wainwright (WEFC) is a community of believers who are united in our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. Our vision is “United in Jesus Christ as we grow UP, IN, and OUT.” We are prayerfully seeking God’s will and the Holy Spirit’s direction as we search for a full-time Pastor who will lead and shepherd our church to fulfill its vision.
Church Profile
WEFC is a multi-generational and multi-cultural church family long established in the community. Our church was first founded as a Gospel Mission Church, later becoming the WEFC in 1962. Outgrowing our former church, in 1979 we moved to our current location, into a new landmark cedar log building which seats 150+ people. Our average regular weekly attendance is approximately 120 people, with an on-line viewership of 20-30 people. We are a vibrant and growing congregation with 1/3 of our family under 13 years old!
The WEFC leadership structure was modified with the adoption of a new constitution in 2021, in that we are now led by a single council which may be comprised of both men and women. The constitution was adapted to better support the vision of our church, “United in Jesus Christ as we grow UP, IN, and OUT.” This vision aims to see the church grow to a ministry, in which our relationship with God, our relationship with one another, and our relationship with the world is fully developed and well balanced. With that in mind, we endeavor to serve and glorify God in the following fundamental areas of ministry: corporate worship, discipleship, mentorship and outreach. In support of that, we currently have the following weekly ministries: Sunday morning service that includes Children’s Church, small group discipleship for adults, Youth Group, College & Career group, and Ladies Prayer group. Annually we support the following: Vacation Bible School, Youth Sports Camp, Church at the Lake, Manitou Lake Bible Camp, Samaritan’s Purse-Operation Christmas Child and other ministries in Canada and abroad.
Community Profile
The Town of Wainwright celebrated its centennial in 2008 and is a thriving prairie town in East-Central Alberta. With a population of approximately 6600, supplemented with an additional 1000+ from CFB Wainwright, our town is an important business center for neighbouring rural communities servicing more than 50,000 residents. The major economic sectors are: Agriculture, Oil/Gas, and the Canadian Armed Forces Base. Wainwright offers a small-town feel while providing full business, health and recreational services.
The Position
Qualifications - Personal
As the Pastor is the primary spiritual leader, we are seeking the following personal and spiritual qualifications:
Shepherding – possess a genuine love and passion for people with a deep-seated desire to see them come to faith in Christ and grow as Christ followers.
Preaching – have a gift for transformational preaching and a strong passion for evangelism and the Great Commission.
Practical Faith – a love for God, His Word, His people and the lost that is evidenced in both personal and ministry life.
Qualifications - Professional
In addition to these, we are looking for the following professional qualifications:
Education - relevant theological and/or pastoral degree from an accredited evangelical institution (college/seminary).
Accreditation – accreditation with the Evangelical Free Church of Canada, or commitment to enter the EFCC accredition process and complete it in a timely manner.
Requirements - endorsement of EFCC Statement of Faith and adherence to Covenant of Personal and Professional Ethics; Be in good standing with the Ministerial Standing Committee of the EFCC, or equivalent committee of candidate’s denomination.
The Pastor’s primary areas of responsibility include:
Preaching/Teaching – provide weekly pulpit ministry and be involved in or provide guidance to biblical teaching ministries.
Leadership - equip the church to pursue and fulfill the vision, keeping it central in all areas of ministry and church life; lead and equip the Council to be vision-minded in conducting the business of the church; Promote and nurture an environment where everyone in the Body of Christ uses their gifts to mentor and care for one another to edify the church and to reach our community with the Gospel of Christ.
Pastoral Care Ministry – provide spiritual counsel and care for our church and community; preside over baptisms, marriages and funerals.
These primary responsibilities are to be performed with an underlying outreach perspective to grow the kingdom of God.
WEFC’s Senior Pastor position comes with a healthy compensation package that includes budgetary provisions that foster a culture of professional development and personal spiritual growth. Our Senior Pastor can also rely on the support of a committed volunteer team both in the council and the congregation at large, providing a healthy balance for effective pastoral, family, and personal spiritual life.
Please send resume and cover letter to
For more information about our community please visit the following websites:
Town of Wainwright:
M.D. of Wainwright: